Ambitions of the HQI initiative to contribute to the French strategy for quantum technologies
The National Quantum Plan strategy is aligned with the France 2030 objectives. Among this plan’s goals are:
> Provide research scientists, but also start ups and industries with new tools
> Generate strategic investments in quantum technologies applied to computing, communications, sensing and cryptography
> Develop quantum computing
© P. Stroppa
Quantum computing: a major topic
Quantum computing should allow the resolution of some problems that are so complex that even the most powerful supercomputers can’t solve them (e.g. quantum chemistry, combinatorial optimization). Within the next decades, quantum computing could contribute to critical technological revolutions in numerous domains such as development of new medical treatments, infectious agents modeling, solar energy or CO2 capture, development of new materials, or even transport optimization (marine, air, road).
A hybrid computing platform
With a €72.3M budget, the HQI iniative aims at developing a hybrid computing platform, interconnecting classical HPC systems with quantum devices, seen as accelerators. It will be available for an international community bringing together laboratories, start-ups and industries. The goal? Make it easier for them to access quantum computing, to identify, develop and test new use case.
Steered by CEA, the HQI initiative greatly involves GENCI (Grand Equipement National de Calcul Intensif), research infrastructure (IR*), responsible for the quantum simulators and computers acquisition segment, endowed with a €36M. This segment should be complemented by European and industrial co-fundings.
Open and scalable, this platform will eventually include a diverse and complementaryset of French and European technologies to support the resolution of most research topics and business use cases.
A bold and innovative research program
The second segment – the research program – is led by CEA and Inria, supported by GENCI and France Universités. Endowed with a €36M budget, it aims at developing a programming and compilation software stack for hybrid computing, including libraries for specific business (healthcare, chemistry, finance, etc) or transversal (Machine Learning, optimization, etc) applications.
GENCI will also be responsible for providing access and developing the use of these computing capabilities, as well as the dissemination along with all members of the quantum ecosystem (Le Lab Quantique, QuantX, Teractec, Systematic, etc), local administrations and industrial partners.